After the purge, it drove me deeper.
The fight goes on.
Nothing can defeat the struggle for freedom on any level, whether technology, ideologue, or any institution cannot control the outcomes anymore.
They no longer posses or control what the truth is, they just make it up or project their own crimes.
These aspects have worried them the most because they don't know what to expect anymore, especially after everyone is memeing and praying. These tactics are working and we are winning.
No matter what your country or constitution is, liberty and freedom gives you the ultimate access and is a universal language to all people.
Liberty and freedom have always existed, they cannot be taken away, and are part of his plan.
The articles you read are scenes in a movie.
The outcomes are endings to the illusions.
There are no coincidences.
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
It was over before it began.
Trump won! There's nothing that can change it or hide that fact now.
It is only a matter of time.
Watch Arizona, Hear POTUS.
It all starts here.
Be ready.