TY Baker!
Would do well to point out that pre-corruption bust a la Saudi Arabia, Bin Talal was a major shareholder in Newscorp... Perhaps that's why Fox reporters are able to cover more and more of this subject matter?
Thanks! I made it last night when I had a little off-time from the web
KEK - I think you are on the nose! Ten steps ahead
Hs interview with Lionel re: patents/SERCO and some common-knowledge names in light of today's scadals - include Robert Mueller - which is why I think he's not getting a pass once the memo breaks and the subsequent scandals break wide open by extension. I think Mueller is going down. I hope so. He deserves to be played. Let him be immune for his role in U1. He's sone a LOT more dirty shit than that, for which he should suffer a major tumble.
It's got to be done incrememntally. That's what I've been observing in him anyway. He's shifting slowly to red pill - but you are correct at this stage in the game.
I mean regarding the tech slavery of humanity - he's a pioneer in that field - back in 1993 when the internet and these backdoor-chipped computers were released to the public - when the internet when big with dialup. I'll have to find the interview - it was fantastic.
Any of you folks have any sauce on SOROS getting his start under G. H. W. Bush? Especially re: discrediting election results abroad? Needed for memesโฆ
You don't have time to watch it - I don't have time to sift back through it to give you the start time you should look for. But. There. It. Is.
Lurk moar - obviously you don't get it. #LookingToTheStars kek
No need to go there - unless you are COINTELPRO.