The Jew/Catholic SCOTUS is Globalist with the legal "authority" to commit murder. Poison Injections for workers will be ruled "Constitutional" by at least 6-3. These are the actions of those who claim to be on the side of God, supported by their "holy" fellow parishoners. Religion and Government are both corrupt scams. Vaxxs for the sheep, bullets for the resisters. ACAB
No one. The whole bible is farsical. A collection of literature by and for the elites to hoodwink the world into submission to them.
Oh fuck off. I see "the word". Loyalty to the elite who write and spread the garbage will get you no where. We all die. "Eternal life" is a hoax. Typical cultist bullshit.
Jesus Christ is a fiction. God is a hoax. Religion is a parasite. Release your superstitions and face the truth of the world. We are slaves to the Gov't which is controlled by the Church.
My eyes are opened. My gov't tried to kill me. My "obedience" demanded by "the church" nearly cost me my life, and left me mutilated with no legal recourse.
Rejecting gov't science, religion, and the establishment is how I am still alive. But, I'm ready for death because this place has been made hell, by men, claiming to be following "the word of God." Lying fucking charlatans, every single one of them.