That's simply not true. The is literally zero contemporary "proof" of Jesus Christ existing from 0-33 AD. He is a fiction, created by the Romans, to gather the pagans under one church to take over Judaism. Religions are literally mafias with mythical folk hero stories to justify their horrendous acts towards their enemies. Moses is fiction. Abraham is fiction. Jesus is fiction. Zeus is fiction. Horace, Ra, Hermes, Hel, Dionysus, and all the other "Gods" are simply fictions from literature. Paul never met Jesus. John amd Revelations were both written hundreds of years after the alleged crucifixtion.
It's all bullshit. Those who run the world, wrote, and re-wrote the Bible, to claim prophesy to justify their horrendous acts against their fellow man.
God didn't write Revelation; the elite did, and they are still trying to pull it off, while giving credit to "God" for allowing them to enslave the world.
Matthew & Luke (not their "real" names) were both written anon, and both heavily copied Mark. John is a total fabrication…so there goes all the RED TEXT.
Christianity is literally the Roman Imperial Cult, created by the elite to justify atrocity and unify their Army against the world. It's goal has always been world domination, and it is behind the Plandemic, 9/11, the clot shot, Trump, Biden, the JFK assassination, the moon landing hoax, the Inquisition, the Monarchies, Usary/Interest/Banking, and all the other lies of history that are too "sacred" to be questioned.