Michael Jaco on Cirsten W's death
Michael Jaco is a psychic and former Navy Seal, found out when doing a show w/Scott McKay
CW was supposed to meet Jaco and his wife at the airport. Didn't happen, no one heard from her. She had been sick, Jaco had offered her ivermectin but she declined, she flew back to LA.
Finally found out she'd been staying w/a friend and had passed out; he called an ambulance to take her to a hospital. Looks like she had some form of Covid but for sure? She said she had BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA in her last Telegram tweets - see attached CAP.
Sounds like she also tested positive for Covid bc she said she refused Remdesivir. Tried to sign herself out of the hospital but couldn't make it out, collapsed and died soon after.
The Question is whether they were TREATING her for bacterial pneumonia. There are many cases where people have pneumonia but if they test positive for Covid, they will NOT be given antibiotics. The fact she was offered REMDESIVIR looks suspicious.
Jaco said they wouldn't let Jaco or anyone visit. He wanted to sneak her IVM. No go. Didn't know she'd checked herself out of he and other would have been there.
CAPPED an mp4 with the bare-bones facts - YT might delete the original.
Cirsten's telegram's since becoming ill.
Says she is at Camirro Hospital but i can find no Camirro Hospital around LA or anywhere else. Pretty sure Michael Jaco will have more info soon - or Scott McKay