Nobody looks happy in that pic
>there's a good chance that anons were the ones that started it.
That’s flattering but anon would lean more towards the Military being the ones fucking their shit up
Anon just had an entire family anon knows get sick with cold-like symptoms and went to get test and it was positive. Key is: if you don’t get tested you won’t have it. Funny but true
Ohhhh snap!!!! Could it be a message to fuck with Justice Thomas aka Mr Monsanto!?!?!? His wife was an attorney for Monsanto or something and he didn’t recuse himself from cases then ruling in their favor!!!!
Agent in Charge: make sure to get your khakis, fellas
This is so ghey this is allowed to happen
That would be considered tampering with govt property and not what anons condone. Yelling “phaggots” is acceptable, though