Anonymous ID: bf7c87 May 24, 2018, 6:51 p.m. No.1533943   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Re Assange/Wikileaks


"~~~~~Anonymous ID:76Gwa/hd Tue 26 Dec 2017 17:47:27 No.154590531 ViewReport

Quoted By: >>154592385


Fine. Here's all I'll say on this because you took the time to make a whole thread and it deserves to be noted…. BUT, I've posted ENOUGH months ago, about Wikileaks, Assange, Crowdstrike, their contracts, the deep state and what happened with all of that. I will vaguely again, explain. Vaguely.


Wikileaks as you knew it, was compromised, but NOT how you think it was and certainly not how many of you STILL seem to think it is, even today, almost a year after I initially told you exactly what happened.


Yes, there were contractors who were tasked with taking out Wikileaks, confiscating their hardware, disabling their backbone and infrastructure, penetrating their servers and ultimately securing Assange.


There were OTHER CONTRACTORS, however, who had been tasked to ensure this DID NOT, I REPEAT, DID NOT HAPPEN. As this played out, a mix of the two is what actually happened. Those tasked with penetrating the network, obtainingand recovering hardware, taking the network offline, etc. were fairly successful. Those tasked with recovering/securing Assange safely, from the embassy were successful as well. Additionally, since those seeking to destroy the Wikileaks infrastructure/network were working off of some pretty old intel, they were unaware of the extensive provisions, back-ups and platform changes Wikileaks had designed, implemented and made on the network. So basically, though they retained a lot of on-premis physical equipment, hardwareand hard copied docs, in addition to logins/passwords, when they raided the HQ, they did not have the ability to successfully access and penetrate what they'd intended, as provisions to specifically limit the impacts for a networking/infrastructure breach, had an unexpected raid like this ever happened, which had become more of a heightened probability in mid 2015.


The impacts to Wikileaks as an organization however, were strained. If you thought it was a bare bones org before, then know it's even more so now.


~~~~~Anonymous ID:76Gwa/hd Tue 26 Dec 2017 18:08:57 No.154592385 ViewReport


That said, Wikileaks, Assange and those remaining on their team have diligently been working to restore and rebuild. They've managed very well but there's a lot of information they lost that's in the hands of people we'd rather not have it in the hands of, as they're using it to exploit, blackmail, extort, etc. others who are either directly or indirectly tied or implicated to it, simply because they're desperate, since their plan didn't go so well, which has only added more fuel to Assange's/Wikileaks's fire.


None of this matters about DonJr. He was setup on purpose under the guise of "Wikileaks", by those who sought and ultimately failed in their efforts to fully resume control over and destroy Wikileaks. They instead, used the info they were able to obtain, to try and set people up to try and help what became their next "Russia/Hacking/Guccifer2.0/Dossier" narrative, simply because they failed their attempts to secure Wikileaks, which would've enabled the original goal of saying Russia/Wikileaks hacking and election meddling.


Don't you see?! DonJr was just a desperate attempt to tie Trump with Russia/Wikileaks over the DNC hack. That failed. This failure is what makes 2 unidentified, official US "agents" to a Romanian prison to beg and bribe the original Guccifer to testify that HE did the leak, in exchange for a US plea deal, a Romanian sentence stay, US extradition, a new identity, $2.5million cash and an apartment. Guccifer declined and reported it. Then Crowdstrike made up Guccifer 2.0, linked this fake guy to Fancy Bear/Russia and called its day.


People like Strzok and Steele via crowdstrike helped compile what would be the last fake dump of the supposed "Russian DNC hack", mixing internal docs and emails they'd had Awan aggregate and pull to make it look legit, as well as docs that were pretty much already declassified, redacted and publicly released."