Wow that's a lot of people acquiring the cure vaccinologists worldwide have dubbed 'Omicron'.
That means 90,132 MORE saved people who do not 'need' the jab.
What will the mayor and governor do in response?
Q/Q+ have just dealt the [D's] a killshot.
Biden: "Covid is not a federal matter, it's up to the states"
Just before SCOTUS hearing, the 'resident' Biden publicly declared that the 'occupiers' within the ENTIRE nation, are ALL without ANY 'infiltration help' from the federal level conspirators, on the 'allowed' covid narrative, that any such activity from the feds would be unconstitutional.
By logic, ANY politician worldwide who also tries to PHYSICALLY divide people, (OMG = Omicron) are now PHYSICAL aggressors against 'the' cure of all cures. HERD IMMUNITY FROM THE BEST 'MEME THAT IS GOING VIRAL' IN HISTORY.