>Do you think maybe they weren't talking directly to me and maybe somebody else instead?
They were talking to the parasites in your hemmorhoid.
It's a complicated process.
Shitposts are always better with sauce.
>If itโs not dangerous is it even any fun? Anon would fly with chad. Kek
Couldn't be any moar dangerous than flying with anon's dad.
RIP, dad.
>RIP to Dad, anon. Much love
Is good memories, anon.
Fell asleep in back seat of plane, and woke up floating with a bunch of Skittles in the air around me.
Got worse for a bit after that, but landed safely with just a few sparks from wingtip on ground as we landed.
Good times with the old man.
On the bright side, anon scared TF out of him while driving cars.
>or how 'bout dago, polak, wop, beaner, hoser, twat, cunt, dick, prick, bastard, bitch, or fuckwit?
We really need to get back to the basics.