Anonymous ID: 824520 Jan. 8, 2022, 11:09 p.m. No.15336452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6463 >>6478 >>6647 >>6740

I am, as a conscious being, compelled to convey the following:

Do you see the times we are living in this very day? Nation against nation, Religion against Religion, and citizen against citizen. Even if you aren't religious, think about it. What has happened to society? Why is everything the way it is with so much suffering, bigotry, and hatred? Do you as a fellow human being, really feel as if you had a say in the matter, there would be no way to coexist and work together with All Humanity to benefit All Humanity? Is there really no reason that we can't get along, triumph together, fail together, and grow together? So ask why… why is this world the way it is… Why?

Could it be possible, there really is an evil agenda at play? Don't brush off this question. Think about it, you might find something profound in self reflection. Left, Right, Center. Why does any of this political drama even exist? Why didn't we flourish as a species? For what reason could not all nations coexist? Do you know your neighbors? Do you like/dislike them? Does it in the overall grand scale matter? The community coexists, for the most part with exceptions being the worst afflicted communities. So why does coexistence break down at the national level, why do the world powers insist on constant conflict leaving staggering death tolls through war, neglect, hubris, and greed? Ask yourself, if placed in position to make a difference for better or worse in the overall outlook of Humanity, would you choose the route of war, destruction, poverty, disputes, and constant turmoil? Or would you strive to have a positive mutual relationship with all as to see all nations and peoples prosper.

Ephesians 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Please open your hearts and your minds, please realize we are fighting against a lot more than just the Cabal.