>You’re not wrong but take into consideration Overton Window. It has to be taken back the other direction gently. You can’t just smash the window with a sledge hammer. Also the relationships you are describing are IRL relationships which are much different than a bunch of normies/strangers on a social media site.
>ya know, anons, when i was a kid, my dad would take me along when he was hangin' with his buds from work, at the bowling alley, or even at the bar, and i got to observe the way adults interacted WAY back in the day. they had much thicker skin and a lot healthier sense of humor. everyone called the lebanese guy that owned a small grocery store king farouk. he wasn't offended. people would ask the italian guys, hey if you make any dago red this year, can i have a bottle? the swedish guy was called big swede. the guy who had a farm was called farmer. the guy who had a few cattle was called cowboy. the polish guy was called polish Ed. one bar was owned by an italian guy who looked a lot more like he was chinese, and everyone called him chinky. no one got offended. they saw those nicknames as a sign of friendship. if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is offense. people need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.
"Global Identity Crisis"