Anonymous ID: 00634b Jan. 9, 2022, 2:33 p.m. No.15339452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9456 >>9461 >>9470 >>9538 >>9703

Triple-Jabbed Geraldo Rivera SHOCKED He Got Covid


There’s a phenomenon that has been happening more and more lately. With our government pushing both vaccines and boosters so heavily, they have gaslighted many into believing the reason to get triple-jabbed is to protect them and others from Covid-19. But as “rare” breakthrough cases continue to skyrocket, we’re been seeing the rise of the phenomenon known as “The Triple-Jabbed Shocker.”


Okay, so I made the name up. But that doesn’t take away from the reality that people continue to get jab after jab after jab, then they’re confused when they catch Covid-19. Fox News commentator Geraldo Rivera is the latest “shocked” celebrity.


Despite his admission, he’s doubling- and tripling-down on his vaccine push.


Geraldo Rivera


Just finishing deep dive into WSJ, NYT, NYP, local paper, Sunday shows, Twitter etc. All say evidence undeniable: #OmicronVirus is more contagious & less virulent than previous incarnations of Covid.

Also, #Unvaccinated faring far worse with more hospitalizations & deaths.


11:57 AM · Jan 9, 2022


As I noted in a Twitter thread of my own, it’s discouraging that people like Geraldo Rivera and Sonya Sotomayor are so oblivious to the facts surrounding Covid-19 and the vaccines.

Anonymous ID: 00634b Jan. 9, 2022, 2:54 p.m. No.15339573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9607

Very Interesting Marionette Strings Visible in South Dakota, There Are No Coincidences of This Scale


Once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never return to that time in the performance when you did not see them. I have often repeated this phrase specifically as it pertains to political motives and the intents of the professionally republican, the DeceptiCons.


Late December, the New York Times reported {LINK} that South Dakota Senator John Thune, the heir apparent to Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, was considering retiring because the Trump influence, the MAGA base, was not in alignment with his corporate and Wall Street donor class worldview.


Those who have watched closely know Senator Mitch McConnell has positioned Senator Thune to take over in the Senate (zipper problems not withstanding). The Machiavellian purpose of the positioning is to put Thune in place as a line of defense to protect the interest of the political establishment and the aligned Fourth Branch of Government.


Now, follow this sequence closely….


Yesterday, the New York Times announced that Thune was indeed going to run for reelection {LINK}. “Senator John Thune of South Dakota, the second-ranking Senate Republican, announced on Saturday that he would seek re-election, after an aggressive lobbying campaign by colleagues prompted him to put aside concerns about the future of his party and pursue a fourth term.”


Today, the usually invisible other Senator from South Dakota, Senator Mike Rounds, appears on ABC This Week with George Stephanopoulos, to undermine Donald Trump and say the former president “could be prosecuted” for his involvement in the J6 terrorist attack “if the DOJ has evidence.”


You never usually see this guy Mike Rounds…. who happens to sit on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee… yet suddenly, the day after Thune makes his reelection bid public, Senator Rounds sticks his head out of his hole to undermine Donald Trump?


Hmmm??… South Dakota politicians being very, well, public and stuff.


But wait, it gets better.


Over on Fox News, at the same time as South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds is talking to Stephanopoulos, the leading member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Maria Bartiromo, is suddenly interviewing South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem…… and guess what the primary subject is?


Yup,food production. WATCH:


The DeceptiCons know what is coming. The DeceptiCons are positioning to take political advantage of the food supply chain crisis they know is about to happen. The DeceptiCons want the food crisis as much as the people behind Joe Biden want the opportunity the crisis represents.


Stand back and look at what is assembling.


DeceptiCons: Anti-Trump. Arrest Trump. Prosecute Trump. Thune replace McConnell. Noem for 2024.


You often hear people wonder why the GOP doesn’t push-back against the Democrats. The reason is simple, the GOP are the right wing of the UniParty bird, the Democrats are the left wing. They are both attached to the body of big corrupt government.


In this food supply chain issue, the Republican wing sees an opportunity.


In this food supply chain issue, the Democrat wing sees an opportunity.


Governor Kristi Noem is the Koch Brothers version of Nikki Haley. A Wall Street donor favorite and open border immigration advocate who has been positioned to be a potential Republican candidate for 2024.


Senator John Thune, Senator Mike Rounds and Governor Kristi Noem all suddenly appear in the headlines and on television, and all positioning for political influence.


For such a small state, that is 100% owned by the Wall Street multinational agricultural industry, it’s a rather remarkable coincidence, no?


“Once you see the strings”…


Sorry to ruin your strategery fellas. Say hi to Mitch for me.

Anonymous ID: 00634b Jan. 9, 2022, 3 p.m. No.15339605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thousands of Pounds of Ground Beef Sold at Major Retailers Recalled for Possible E. Coli Contamination

Anonymous ID: 00634b Jan. 9, 2022, 3:06 p.m. No.15339652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9676

Monster Energy drink delivers cryptic SATANIC messages nobody even noticed for the last decade (op-ed)


(Natural News) (Opinion) By now, most health-conscious consumers know that most energy drinks are loaded with sugar and/or artificial sweeteners that are bad for your health. But what if the health carnage runs much deeper, on a different level, from drinking the likes of Monster Energy drinks? Take heed of what you are about to read and see on video displayed before your eyes. America is being overtaken by Satan worshipers at every level, especially when you look at the big corporations that control most of the food, beverage and medicine industries.


Let’s take a really close look at the Monster Energy drink logo, slogans and filthy language used on their cans and cartons that promote evil thinking and sugar addiction. First, there is a gap in the letter “M” at the top. It’s not connected. The “M” in Monster has a short top, and a long tail, just like the letter “vav” in Hebrew, that also represents the number 6, which means the “M” in Monster is another symbol for “666” that’s embedded on every Monster can, the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation.


Plus, the Hebrew name “vav” denotes the “joining” letter that means “hook,” so subliminally, Monster Energy is telling you you’re hooked on the drink and the satanic ritual of drinking it. Are you addicted to “beastly energy?”


Next, the “O” in Monster displays a cross. It’s an “anti-Christ” message so when you tip the can upside down to drink it down, the cross is upside down (hence witchcraft symbolism in action), while you “Unleash the Beast,” according to the top Monster slogan written on the cans and cartons. Are people perishing for lack of knowledge, like Jesus said?


Monster Energy drinks display green claw marks, an upside-down cross, the number 666, and the slogan “Unleash the Beast”


It’s so obvious, that a two-time X-Games gold medalist BMX champion, Colton Satterfield, has ditched Monster Energy as his sponsors saying their advertising, slogan and logo are unChristian. The devil’s claw marks on the can may have been the clincher for Satterfield, who doesn’t want to have a satanic sponsor since he converted recently to Mormon faith, despite the lucrative deal Monster Energy was giving him.


Satterfield is quoted saying, “So for me, I do my best to walk uprightly before a very real and good God and, with some of their marketing and logos, it just wasn’t something I could keep supporting.” The BMX champion is not the first to recognize the satanic messages on the Monster Energy products. A woman’s video explaining it all went viral.


Either “Monster” choice is evil — Boatloads of sugar or artificial sweetener


The true evil lies in the sugar in these monstrous energy drinks. Some of the larger cans contain over TWENTY teaspoons worth of sugar, causing blood sugar levels to drastically spike, then drop off later in major “crash” form. One 16 fl. oz can of Monster Energy contains 54g of sugar, totaling over 200 calories. Do that every day and it’s not soon thereafter that you’re battling “beastly obesity.” The Devil’s in the details.


Cancer loves sugar. It thrives on glucose. It’s the ultimate fuel for cancer proliferation, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease. Then comes tooth erosion. Plus, artificial sweeteners are known to cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic headaches, nervousness, anxiety, and wait for it… weight gain. It gets worse.


Evil corporations like Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar pour cash into marketing to youngsters at extreme sports events and music festivals, and through social media. Bottom line is read the ingredients on everything you (and your children) consume. Evil is as evil does, so quit tipping that cross upside down and getting bad energy from bad sources.


Tune your internet dial to for the best ways to plan for food shortages so you’re not left stuck with a pile of Monster 666 Energy drinks in your pantry, and nothing else.

Anonymous ID: 00634b Jan. 9, 2022, 3:22 p.m. No.15339739   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Huge Number of Vax Deaths & it’s Getting Worse – Dr. Pierre Kory

Anonymous ID: 00634b Jan. 9, 2022, 3:32 p.m. No.15339812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FLASHBACK: Pelosi Objects To Ohio's Electoral Votes In 2005, Cites 'Shifting Vote Tallies,' 'Provisional Ballots,' 'Partisan Poll Watchers'


By Gabriel Keane

January 9, 2022 at 4:04pm

Amidst the partisan fervor regarding the January 6th Congressional Committee, video footage has resurfaced of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) objecting to Ohio’s electoral votes in 2005, when they were given to Republican President George Bush.


“Today we are witnessing democracy at work,” Pelosi said, later adding, “This debate is fundamental to our democracy,”


“The members of Congress who have brought this challenge are speaking up for their aggrieved constituents, many of whom may have been disenfranchised in this process,” Pelosi continued. “This is their only opportunity to have this debate while the country is listening and it is appropriate to do so. If there were other venues of this caliber, we would have taken that opportunity.”

Anonymous ID: 00634b Jan. 9, 2022, 3:51 p.m. No.15339948   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If this were political, red states would be targeted, not blue and purple states. The coming food shortage transcends politics and everyone will be the target. This is the globalists goals. With that said, the Virginia store in the pic seems to be an outlier. Either that or they are the genesis of what’s to come. I believe this was probably panic buying due to people freaking out over the weather event and the subsequent I-95 debacle.