Anonymous ID: a8c467 Jan. 9, 2022, 2:21 p.m. No.15339403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9498 >>9733 >>9756

Ghislaine Maxwell's Lawyers Find Third Juror Who 'Lied,' Bolsters Odds of Retrial – Media


The newspaper's source also mentioned that “there are also questions over a fourth juror, so this thing is up in the air.”


Lawyers representing Ghislaine Maxwell, the former associate of the late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, have possibly discovered yet another juror involved in their client's trial who supposedly lied on their application about being abused, The Mail on Sunday reports.


This development comes as two other jurors admitted to using their experience as victims of sexual abuse to sway the jury during Maxwell's recent trial.


According to the newspaper, their source told them that Maxwell's lawyers "feel confident a third juror lied on their jury application."


"There are also questions over a fourth juror, so this thing is up in the air," the source added.

Earlier, one of the jurors identified as Scotty David, told media that he spoke to other jurors about his experience of sexual abuse while they were deciding the verdict.


He also said he couldn’t remember if he revealed this information about his past in the pre-trial questionnaire, with the newspaper noting that the man could face jail if it turns out that he intentionally lied.


Another unidentified juror also told The New York Times that they revealed to the jury that they experienced sexual abuse, which “appeared to help shape the jury’s discussions."


These revelations increase the likelihood of Maxwell getting a retrial, as her legal team continues to insist on their client's innocence.


Maxwell was arrested in the United States in July 2020 and stood trial on charges of procuring underage girls for Epstein.

She was found guilty on five of the six sex-trafficking counts she faced, with the verdict being announced by the court shortly before the end of 2021.


Her former associate, disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, was found dead in 2019 in his prison cell in New York City where he was awaiting trial on charges of sex-trafficking of minors.–media-1092136325.html

Anonymous ID: a8c467 Jan. 9, 2022, 2:24 p.m. No.15339414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CNN's Mary Katharine Ham's Epic Viral Rant Against Her Network


Conservative CNN pundit Mary Katharine Ham slammed her network for its blatantly biased coverage in a series of Twitter posts that went viral.


Ham, in response to criticism by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for saying that media coverage of the congressional baseball shooting was minimal.


“He’s arguing the shootings didn’t get much coverage? Pretty sure they were a huge story,” Haberman claimed.


She was wrong, and Ham pointed that out.


“I lived a block from the baseball field. Under 48 hours, the news vans were gone. I was on TV, live from the baseball field where they played the game a day later, after almost being canceled by mass murder, but my topic was ‘Mike Pence reportedly hired a lawyer,'” Ham tweeted. “You’re welcome to talk yourself into idea that a similar murder attempt on an entire team of Democrats would have gotten the same treatment. I think the shooting of Gabby Giffords is pretty analogous and disproves that theory. Even without that data point, it’s just not true.”


Ham was by no means done, either. “And it doesn’t mean Jan. 6 doesn’t deserve coverage. Moving on after 48 hrs would be wrong for that and for Gabby Giffords! But the coverage was what it was, Scalise’s return to Congress was very sparsely covered, and the anniversary was barely mentioned,” she continued. “I checked at the time, and it is real. News vans were staked out at the home of the parents of Elizabeth Lauten, the GOP staffer who criticized Obama’s daughters on Facebook that time, for longer than they were at the practice baseball field. That’s not just a news cycle issue.”


CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski thought he could prove Ham wrong, so he chimed in with a screenshot of Ham appearing on CNN at the time of the shooting.


“It looks [like] you discussed the baseball game?” he tweeted.


“Hi, Andrew. Yes, this is within 24-48 hrs that this was a story,” Ham shot back. “This segment was based on the galactically stupid Sanford contention that it was Trump’s rhetoric that caused it, bc of course. Pointed out Nats Park hit bc it was overlooking the game & yet not focused on this.”

Anonymous ID: a8c467 Jan. 9, 2022, 2:25 p.m. No.15339423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CNN stays SILENT: Cooper, Blitzer & Tapper refuse comment on disgraced former producer Rick Saleeby

Anonymous ID: a8c467 Jan. 9, 2022, 2:48 p.m. No.15339532   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sydney news: Train timetables slashed due to falling passengers, isolating staff


From today, NSW public transport services will run on a weekend timetable due to staffing impacts from COVID-19.


There will be fewer buses, trains and light rail services for a number of weeks until further notice.


Transport for NSW chief operating officer Howard Collins said patronage across the network was down 70 per cent compared to pre-pandemic levels.


"It's about maintaining the continuity of those services and it's dealing with the fact that [with] the impact of COVID-19, like any other business, we're starting to see hundreds of staff off or isolated and also there are less people travelling," he said.


He also said almost 1,000 workers were in isolation after testing positive or becoming close contacts.


"If you are thinking your train or bus is going to turn up on a Monday to Friday schedule … it's going to be a weekend service so check [the timetable] and allow some more time," he said.

Anonymous ID: a8c467 Jan. 9, 2022, 3:05 p.m. No.15339646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fox News anchor confronts CDC director on how many deaths are 'from COVID' versus 'with COVID' — but she can't say


Fox News anchor Bret Baier confronted CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Sunday over several topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including whether she could explain how many COVID deaths in the United States are "from COVID" versus "with COVID."

What is the background?


More than 836,000 Americans have died from COVID, but the government has yet to distinguish deaths from COVID and deaths with COVID. The key difference being: Did the person die from their COVID infection or did they die for another reason, but tested positive for COVID before they passed away?


In fact, the CDC explains that up to 95% — or perhaps even more — of all COVID deaths happened in Americans with co-morbidities or other conditions.


"There were co-morbidities or other conditions listed on the death certificate for as many as 95% of all COVID-19 deaths," the CDC explains. "The other 5% of death certificates in which COVID-19 was the only condition listed was likely related to a lack of detail listed about other conditions present at the time of death."


During an interview on "Fox News Sunday," anchor Bret Baier confronted Walensky about whether she could explain how many Americans have died from COVID versus with COVID.


"How many of the 836,000 deaths in the U.S. linked to COVID are 'from COVID' or how many are 'with COVID,' but they had other co-morbidities? Do you have that breakdown?" Baier asked.


Walensky, however, failed to provide the breakdown.


"Yes, of course with Omicron we’re following that very carefully," Walensky said "Our death registry, of course, takes a few weeks to — and is a — takes a few weeks to collect, and of course, Omicron has just been with us for a few weeks, but those data will be forthcoming."


Later in the interview, Baier asked Walensky if her leadership has eroded the public's trust in the CDC, which she promised to repair when Joe Biden appointed her to lead the agency.


"Do you think that it's fair to say that the trust and confidence the public has gone down with the CDC?" Baier asked.


In response, Walenksy noted how "hard" her job has been.


"You know, this is hard," Walenksy said. "We have ever-evolving science with an ever-evolving variant and my job is to provide updated guidance in the context of rapidly rising cases. And that is what we've done and I'm here to explain it to the American people and I'm committed to continuing to do so and to continuing to improve."

Anonymous ID: a8c467 Jan. 9, 2022, 3:13 p.m. No.15339690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9708

Pelosi Accuses Republicans Of ‘Undermining Democracy’ Over Election Integrity Laws


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed Republican state lawmakers on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday, calling their efforts to pass and enact election integrity laws a “continuation” of Jan. 6.


“There is nothing more important for us to do than protect our constitution and our democracy,” Pelosi told host Margaret Brennan. “What the Republicans are doing across the country is really a legislative continuation of what they did on January 6, which is to undermine our democracy, to undermine the integrity of our elections, to undermine the voting power, which is the essence of a democracy. So we have to do that bill. There is no more important bill that enables us to support and defend the constitution of the United States.”


The bill in question is the Freedom to Vote Act, introduced by Democrats in the wake of several election reform bills passed in Republican-controlled states after the 2020 election. It would make automatic voter registration the standard across the nation, give voting privileges to the incarcerated after they finish their sentences, make Election Day a national holiday and expand early and absentee voting, as reported by CNBC.


Senate Republicans blocked the legislation four times in 2021, Fox News reported. They argued that the legislation would infringe on the right of states to set their own election laws and would unfairly benefit the Democratic Party.


Republican Secretary of the State of Georgia Brad Raffensperger defended Senate Republicans stating, “January 6 was terrible, but the response does not need to be eliminating photo I.D. and having same-day registration. If you don’t have the appropriate guardrails in place, then you’re not going to have voter confidence in the results.”


When Brennan asked the Speaker how she would handle a potential dispute at the state level with mid-terms approaching, Pelosi stated that she wasn’t focused on next year. Instead, she insisted, she was focused on passing this bill to “protect and defend the constitution and the voting rights.”


Accusing Republicans of not only “suppressing the vote but nullifying elections,” Pelosi continued, “this is a very major threat on our democracy. This legislation is the most important, and we have to keep working in order to get the job done because it is vital as any legislation we could ever pass,” she concluded.

Anonymous ID: a8c467 Jan. 9, 2022, 3:19 p.m. No.15339726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9750 >>9757 >>9761 >>9801



GCHQ propaganda - narrative building


The crackdown Putin doesn't want you to see: Masked Kazakh police are pictured rounding up 'protesters' and open fire at journalists amid internet blackout and 'shoot to kill' order


Masked Kazakh riot police have been pictured rounding up 'protesters', shooting on journalists in crackdown

Former National Security Chief Karim Massimov detained with several other officials on suspicion of treason

Dozens of people, among them protesters as well as military personnel, have been killed in the violent unrest

2,500 Russian paratroopers attached to CSTO were deployed to quell the countrywide uprising on Thursday

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken questioned arrival of 'peacekeepers', saying the move was 'not clear'

Security forces appeared to be in control of the streets of Almaty by early Friday following the Russian arrival