Military people who refused to take the vax and were discharged will be our new Militia.
Did they really think that one through?
Military people who refused to take the vax and were discharged will be our new Militia.
Did they really think that one through?
If the covid shot isn't the actual kill shot but they make mandatory vaccines legal, you know the next vaccine will be a mass genocide kill shot.
Is this stupid woman a boomer?
So why are you blaming boomers if the boomers are brainwashed too? It doesn't seem as if age is a factor in the brainwashing.
Why are you blaming the victims?
It's more dangerous to be a farmer.
The game is rigged. Why play a rigged game?
> Education – Take control of what people read and listen to us“ take control of what children learn in school
The Government Public School System is a Socialist idea.
Education of children is not the responsibility of the government, it is the responsibility of parents.
All Government Socialist Schools should be shut down and put under private ownership of the parents whose children attend them.