Given Omicron is a cure for covid, ANY politician or law enforcement officer WW who attempt to keep people physically divided, are guilty of homicide.
Given Omicron is a cure for covid, the method to cure the world is by close contact, no masks, life back to normal, therefore ANY politician or law enforcement officer WW who attempt to keep people physically divided on the basis of 'helping' the people deal with covid, are guilty of homicide.
>my previous statement stands
It never got off the ground.
Given Omicron is a cure for covid, the method to cure the world is by close contact, no masks, life back to normal, no lockdowns, no school closures, open society back up, therefore ANY politician or law enforcement officer WW who attempt to keep people physically divided on the basis of 'helping' the people deal with covid, are guilty of homicide.
Given Omicron is a cure for covid, the method to cure the world is by close contact, no masks, life back to normal, no lockdowns, no school closures, opening society back up, to maximize the spread of the cure, therefore ANY politician or law enforcement officer WW who attempt to keep people physically divided on the basis of 'helping' the people deal with covid, are preventing people from being exposed to the cure and are therefore guilty of homicide.
Cure for covid parties.
We can literally cure each other by greeting each other by breathing in each other's faces.
The people already have the cure.
The people now have not just the information in their minds to dismantle the 'Old Guard', but also a code in their bloodstream, the Omicron cure for covid.
Cabal narrative to motivate physical rituals to mock law enforcement as 'controlled'.
Prove it.
My guess is Roseanne Barr.
Did you forget the part where that statement was never a blank check to authorize anons to label any post anon wants as disinfo?
This meme looks like it was made by the person in the picture to garner sympathy and 'victim' points to smear his 'opponents'.
There is no Qanon
You're either the person in the picture or you're trying to help him by casting him as a 'victim' of 'hate' on 8kun.
There is no 'Qanon' singular or plural.
The potato headed eunuch?
It makes sense there would be memes casting him as a victim of violent threats.
It's so he can go on social media claiming 'they want us dead'.
gRaFfiTi iS pRoOf
There is no 'Qanon'
If there is no 'Qanon' singular there logically cannot be Qanon plural. Qanon plural implies the existence of at least one singular.
There is no 'Qanon' singular or plural.
Show the list of names who you claim are 'menbers' of that 'team' to prove it exists.
what sites are better than GWP?
Anon is an abbreviation of Anonymous.
QAnonymous doesn't exist for the same reason Qanon doesn't exist.
Calling out agitators claiming 'Qanon' exists is not itself agitation.
This anon was the closest to the truth:
How about the question of which sites are better?
This anon
recommended thelibertydaily
CDC doesn't control the police.
It's not worth wasting my time with an economic simpleton whose 'predictions' were lousy.
You're describing every currency not gold.
What if Biden has a 'shadow' handler named Bobulinksi?