Steve Stricker was healthy as a horse until vaccinated. Nearly died.
Steve Stricker was healthy as a horse until vaccinated. Nearly died.
Wow! Kate Middleton got replaced already?!?!?
Die, bitch! (apply liberally)
No doubt AOC has plenty of horse dewormer.
A quaint American phrase of the 20th century to express appreciation for an upstanding act of another was to say, "Thank you, that's very white of you."
In the future, the phrase shall be, "Thank you, that's very orange of you."
Id be extremely disappointed if the straight redneck population is any less than 51%.
Extremely accurate, you can hit a bird on the wing with a wrist rocket.
Mandates are just the clean-up work, the shots are already in many.
Shows how people choose their own destinies.
How about when the Who peed on it? kek
Snoop's a hoe.
This is the first time in months that infinity kunt op has been working properly for me, with (You), posting at the bottom without delay etc.
If the normie mom constituency gets a clue about muh corona, heads will roll!
muh monolith
You should really get back on the meds.
Not sure whether I think he should go try to win the tourney, or leave now and never go back.
The way Bill Gates waives his hands around is so convincing, he's my life guru, my investment advisor, and my medical doctor. He's a hero.
C'mon, just take one of the blue ones.
He should get down on his knees every night and thank God Trump saved his life.
These people are beyond libtard and fucktard. Henceforward, they shall be called Dumbfucklibtards.
WA is where corona started, it's the closest to China.
Isn't she wonderful?!?!? Jacinda Tardem should be head of the UN!
The Creepy Joe Era is so exciting! You never know what will happen!
Take his bike too, give it a joy ride.
Nigga for nigga.
Mika is toast. Red handerkerchief incoming.
I figure there are ~70 million libtards, foreigners, homes and commies in the USA. Im good with that number.
Thank you for your purple words of wisdom, Chief Bull Shit.
seems so because the leotards love to demonize proud boys, indicating they are controlled. So does the portland riots outcome. A lot of noise but not much happened other than libtard fuckery. I was in portland last year, it sucked. skipped it on another area visit.
Auto-correct occasionally gets something correct in a new way.
Kudos. That should be nominated for a Keki at the Parade Show.
There's no market for libtarded organs, purple anon.
Stelter stayed on here since 2018 because everybody keeps calling him faggot, he likes that.
I was told I'm a High-Ranking Anon by a hot baker girl.
There's a QueerBarry though.
WA is one of the suckiest states now. Sad!
Bobu is riding Hunter like a rented donkey on crack.
They gave up their guns, they don't have our rights there.