which is why the system needs to be burned down with all these corrupt faggots inside.
don't tell me what to do nigger.
ok what ever you say nigger.
you need to select and delete that. must not have been a true transparency.
say please and i will help you. i have other images all lined up. And i promise you will get a good meme.
hey faggot i am just asking they are polite about asking instead of accusing people of being fake. The fucker is at least trying i am willing to give him another shot to be nice to the meme fags and not be demanding. I saw him try i am giving him a break. Now fuck off.
here ya go at least you tried. an extra png also should be transparent this time.
how about you just kys instead. how is that for politeness how about i say please put a gun in your faggot mouth and suck on it till you stop being a cunt
don't care kill yourself.
odds are it is higher. Hell even Cruz may have outed himself recently. That leaves maybe Hawley and Paul and Jordan.
i would not mind a small home with a pool for physical rehab for my legs.
i may be too much a shit stain for one of those. I keep hoping they find me worthy, but most days i doubt it. but until then a way to help me walk with out pain so i am not so angry all the time would be really nice.
thanks, truly appreciated. I hope i can find peace with it also. But till then i will shit post meme and tell people to fuck off as needed. But again thanks for you hopes for me.