Research Work in Progress Anons
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Symbolism of a pandemic
Corona - crown of thorns; another term for the Halo around the Sun; a Circle Of Light
What does the Sun symbolize? illumination of the Mind. Also a Symbol of Authority
Hardly any of the symbols of Masonry are more important in their signification or more extensive in their application than the sun. As the source of material light, it reminds the Mason of that intellectual light of which he is in
constant search. But it is especially as the
ruler of the day, giving to it a beginning
and end, and a regular course of hours,
that the sun is presented as a Masonic
symbol. - Mackey’s Encylopdeia
So we see the Corona as the emanation of the Sun = This is how we, the Illuminated Authority, are affecting your Life
Delta 🔺- the luminous triangle which encloses the Ineffable name. The Trinity, Osiris/Isis/Horus, Church/State/Mob, Church/Doctrine/Initiates etc. Symbolizes FIRE as well (and the elements of fire (Heat/Fuel/Air). The Ability to understand and create. Also Illumination of the Mind.
By introducing the Delta, which of course came from India, (home of the mysteries) in the month of October/Scorpio (the back biter, represented by Judas). They are indeed telling us, WE created this through our power.
“Om”icron - Om/Aum/Aom is the pronunciation of the ineffable name of deity, Lucifer, lord of light, which is yet another word referring to the illumination of the mind. A stand for creation U stands for preservation M stands for destruction. = Yes we created this, Yes we will keep it going, Yes we will Destroy you and the world you know with it
Mass Formation Psychosis = Ordo Ab Chao = We create the Chaos, then we bring in the order = Dangling the carrot in front of the Ass = We created this terrible virus that is so terrible that it will kill you, your family and everyone you know, but wait, there’s hope, we have the answer, the solution, the order to all this confused Chaos, all you’ve got to do, is whatever we tell you to do. Easy right?
666 - The numbered of the Illumined man, yet more reference to illuminism, found throughout in published patient numbers and restrictions.