I did not mean to ban&remove this poster. Ban has been removed, please repost your info from last bread. Apologies.
I did not mean to ban&remove this poster. Ban has been removed, please repost your info from last bread. Apologies.
>WTAF are you doing, asshole? Banning people from LAST BREAD for fuckall?
>KYS. with grease and fire.
No one is gonna follow your twitter babyfaggot
>Multiple anons ARE ALREADY posting under 'the same IP'.
Keep going retard. Everyone believes you.
>Q said "Israel last, for a very specific reason, not mentioned once." Anons correct me if that is off a bit.
>I don't 'respond' to such mass formation psychosis techniques of group think slander.
This is getting good, keep going retard.
>By the way, you haven't 'debunked' what I said
2 anons with the same IP posting about B within 33 seconds of each other. "Coincidence."
You really are a retard.
Probably not the jews tho.
So funny to watch you faggots try to pretend anons are dumb enough to fall for your recycled ratardism.
JIDF Kikes - "Why won't BV delete the spam that we post"
also JIDF kikes - "BV is abusing power for deleting retarded spam we post."
You can message me, but i don't have it installed on my pc.