Feared Russian Troops Capture Pentagon Biolab
>follow the link at the bottom to read the full report with active hot links to original sources embedded.
Most critical to notice is this transcript revealing that Security Council Members were briefed by Deputy Defense Minister Tatiana Shevtsova, who is the operational commander of the Russian special forces unit known as Alpha Group, that American defense experts describe as “part spy network, part counterterrorism team, part general-purpose commando squad — and entirely terrifying”—and most stunning to notice in this transcript is Defense Minister Shevtsova referencing the official document “28 декабря Указ Президента” to assure Security Council Members that the “установка” has been secured—the English translations of which are “28 December Presidential Decree” and “facility”.
The 28 December date Deputy Defense Minister Shevtsova referenced in this highly-classified transcript is most critical to note because barely a month ago, on 28 December 2021, it saw President Putin hosting the heads of state of the Commonwealth of Independent States, an informal meeting attended by President Tokayev—a meeting also attended by former President Nazarbayev—but while President Putin met with President Tokayev, he refused to meet with former President Nazarbayev.
At this point, the evidence shows that the “28 December Presidential Decree” referenced by Deputy Defense Minister Shevtsova was the result of President Putin meeting with President Tokayev on 28 December 2021—though the orders of this presidential decree remain too highly-classified to reveal, it’s assured that it was known about by Kazakhstan’s intelligence chief Karim Massimov, who is also chairman of the board at Halyk Bank, that is owned by former President Nazarbayev’s daughter Dinara Kulibayeva and her husband Timur—further sees Karim Massimov being close friends and business associates with Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden—in the portions of this transcript able to discerned, it’s replete with evidence proving Karim Massimov conspired with the socialist Biden Regime to overthrow President Tokayev by unleashing deadly violence throughout Kazakhstan—and is why Karim Massimov has been arrested and charged with high treason.
The “facility” this transcript shows Deputy Defense Ministry Shevtsova assuring Security Council Members her Alpha Group commandos have secured is, without doubt, the Kazakh Scientific Center for Quarantine and Zoonotic Diseases (KSCQZD), which is the Pentagon funded biological laboratory in Kazakhstan many suspect the Covid-19 virus was created in then dispersed in China (that borders Kazakhstan) to place them blame on them for—and is why the Chinese government issued the statement: “If the Chinese government really were so 'insidious' and would release an artificially grown virus from the laboratory, then why would it be done on their territory … with its 1.4 billion people and a high population density, which is a very favorable environment for the spread of any virus in principle?”.
Though this highly-classified transcript forbids revealing any details about the Alpha Group capture of this Pentagon biolab, public news sources reported “a potential leak of dangerous pathogens” after its seizure, then Kazakhstan health ministry sources stated: “This is not true…The facility is being guarded”—a “facility” about which its been reported: “Kazakhstan has become “willingly or unwillingly” caught in the blame game over the source of the novel coronavirus pandemic by hosting U.S. military labs…It's alleged that the labs are developing bio-weapons for use against countries such as Russia and China”—and in the just published article “Kazakhstan Turns Into Graveyard For U.S. Diplomacy”, sees it grimly noting: “The Kazakh Ministry of Health issued an innocuous disclaimer today denying social media reports about the seizure of a “military biological lab near Almaty by unidentified people”…According to Tass news agency, the social media had speculated that specialists in chemical protection suits were working near the lab as “a leak of dangerous pathogens” occurred…The carefully worded press release by the Kazakh ministry clarifies: “This is not true. The facility is being protected”…The intriguing report highlights the tip of an iceberg which has implications for public health and holds serious geopolitical ramifications”.