Keep your strength up and know you did right. These businesses are getting exposed daily for their choices and in the end will feel the pain. The rely on fear to keep people in line.
This anon spends lots of time lurking to try and help out on data research and such, and could be very wrong about this….but…I notice that when the BV/BAN discussion occurs, it fills up space within the bread, which in turn limits the amount of information that could be spread out. Why the flurry of back and forth?
Just asking..going back to lurking now
Or does it end at 751 posts? Then begins again elsewhere? This is exactly what I mean.
You're answer is very telling, anon.
This Anon was watching over Minn. MN and there was a Blackhawk flying out of there also. Odd for the location.
Thanks Anon, was just curious. Seems to be hit and miss when the flurries strike.
Ummm sure, turn it back on me, use up space.
Perhaps Anon should go to Amazon and invest some money on a packet of clues…because it seems you have run out.
Dub 4's / Trip 9's, full out Anon. Very noice indeed!