Anonymous ID: 4f203a Jan. 10, 2022, 5:06 p.m. No.15346638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7046

I wonder if this Covid Shit is going to come full circle?

It started in Washington State and with the recent shit Inslee's pulling about vaccinating or putting you in a detention camp will be his Demise.

I don't do FB but apparently this week when Tim Eyeman's law suit happens (he's subpeona'd Inslee to appear in Olympia) there is a rather Large group planning to do a citizens arrest at the court house.

Stranger things have happened.

At first I thought that Q's post "the first arrest will trigger a mass awakening" was going to be someone big like Gates or Soros but now……

I'm thinking it could be anyone who would, upon arrest…bring discovery

Inslee does have a lot of bones in his that their closet he's got there donchaknow?