>Most likely it's because you think far too highly of yourself and you're the center of your own universe.
I don't get the relevance. But I'll indulge.
Sure, I am the protagonist of my life (ie. center of my own universe), and since I'm not religious God is not part of it and no where near the center of it.
About thinking highly of myself - sure, I'm confident in my knowledge, you're not in yours? Is that what you mean? I don't see what you are implying here.
>Most criminals hate God, most good neighbours and caring individuals love God. God is truth, love and karma.
Got some data to back up that claim or did you just pull it out of your ass? Kek
>You don't understand God lives in us. Where two or more gather in my name, there I AM with them.
Did your book tell you that?
Did you ever stop to consider that you are here because you accepted that most of what you thought you knew was a maliciously crafted lie, but for some reason the Bible has to be the real truth?