how do you even know it's omicron when you don't have a test that works?
i might believe 31%
incredibly safe = not credibly safe
but what if it's during the first 14 days, are you vaccinated or unvaccinated, or is it like schroedinger's vax?
the democrat strain has become dominant
you translated all your lies into braille? how cute.
covid kits under Baal's tree
i've got some clear guidance and messaging for you murkowski: resign and confess.
why can't fauci get some speech therapy, get trained out of that hideous inner city accent?
we could email the congresspeople in the hearing some better questions
agreed, that was bullshit, he could have asked some useful questions
our nation's long term care facilities used a shitload of midazolam during the early days of the scamdemic