This anon would pay $$ to see a Senator toss the table at Fauci! Obviously the DS Sen's are not shy in showing their allegiance and to whom!
Fauci should have bragged about the $1 mil he was just awarded…you know…for beingDr. Deathand all….
How awesome would it be if the Committee calls a pause and has a nurse walk in with a tray of vaccinations for those being questioned. Curious what they would say/do to avoid getting jabbed at all costs!
It would be awesome to see
How to know that they don't want to commit to a lie on live feed? When their answers are: I don't have that information in front of me, but my office will be happy to get back with you and provide you with that answer! The VA does that crap every hearing!!!
Not sure I'm on track here, but I was thinking if I took the number of the month from 45's 'Booms' (3451) and look at that drop, what would come up. EVERGREEN TWEET
Not sure if this Anon is on track, but was a thought.
This Anon made an error in the numbering. Here is the correct tweet
Sorry Anons…this Anon will go bang head into wall for a while …
Thanks Anon, I posted a corrected post with these corrections.