Anonymous ID: 40ff56 Jan. 11, 2022, 9:15 p.m. No.15356018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6031

Lowest of the low. I just saw this, I am appalled.


Ronald McDonald house is a place in Vancouver near the hospital, where families can stay with their sick kids. I use to think this was worthy of my donations, NOT any more.

I did not crop out the name of the person posting, only because they have posted to the Canadian site, and are asking for help.

Anybody have inroad to Tucker Carlson? Tucker has done storylines from Canada before. This is the most egregious, despicable, sickening thing I have ever seen. Not just in regard to COVID shit, but ever.


These poor people are dealing with a child having horrid cancer treatments and are no doubt devastated just going through that, now they are being evicted because of vaxx mandate! Hotels in Vancouver are 500 a night, they stay for months and months. I am in tears. Why? These people evicting them are sick, they are throwing a five year old with cancer and his family into the street in winter. My God, please pray for this family.

Tomorrow morning I will be on the phone, and I will not be my usual Christian respectable even tempered self. Time to stand up and be counted.