Breads are moving kinda quick for this late..
There’s been a lot of habbenins lately don’t forget scotus still has to throw us under the bus with the vax mandates soon
> Roberts fucked SCOTUS. Loser.
Two most fan fav decisions:
‘Obamacare is a tax’ and the stolen elections case where the will of the American people ‘has no standing’ in the Supreme Court.
> and the stolen elections case where the will of the American people ‘has no standing’ in the Supreme Court.
Someone must have some serious dirt on him or he is satanic or both.
He keeps throwing America under the bus.
Remember the elections cases where there were like 10,000 affidavits kek
They just rolled their eyes and said King Zuck’s decision is final: Potato will be Resident
When is SCOTUS supposed to rule on the Biden vaccine mandates?
I’m sure they’ll find some obscure legal definition that enables Biden to be the King and force experimental injections into his subjects.
> 17th of January
Kind of weird that there is a set date on the decision. Almost like they’ve already made up their mind. And may God damn the liberals. The function of SCOTUS is to decide whether something is constitutional or not. The liberals have placed activist judges in the highest court. The founding fathers did not intend for this to be the way.
> If they decide we're cattle
That’s quite the accurate summation!
It should be open and shut that hell no the government can’t force experimental vaccines into people.
We don’t have kings in this country, this is a republic (God willing) so Mr Potato can shove his ‘mandates’ up his old wrinkly ass.
So answer me this..
What are the implications if SCOTUS rules in favor of Potato?
What options do we have left to avoid the clot shots?
Can the states do anything to protect their people from King Creep or does SCOTUS decision override that?
Pretty silly that it’s come to this. I want my freedom back.
> What options do we have left to avoid the clot shots?
> What options do we have left to avoid the clot shots?
> What options do we have left to avoid the clot shots?
Come on man
You know the thing
> You misread. You were told there would be BOOMERS,
If SCOTUS allows Biden ‘Vaccine Mandates’ then they would have made Biden into pretty much a king.
It’s absurd that they are even debating these mandates. It’s obscenely obvious it’s unconstitutional.
Anon needs to do push ups and butterfly presses to get rid of them bitch tits