My blood flies the thing, my art creates
how about you keep the intruders out and i'll try just keepin' that together
Choice is not easy when you're bein' thawed out
My blood flies the thing, my art creates
how about you keep the intruders out and i'll try just keepin' that together
Choice is not easy when you're bein' thawed out
My Grandma what big eyes you have
Really wanna play ?
Bit fuckin' late now isn't
Cos ultimately they're fucked and they know that
doesn't mean anythin' to me, i'll be ded
like dedder than already ded
The good part is knowing Gary gets to be a British Bulldog figurine
Not with blood in the water, thanks
No, i've always said that isn't me, that fake me steph at 17
am not vax nor masked nor tested
Texas tea
you wanted a tea party
thats why jo said "You're not black"
on the spectrum
what is colour
We are all small portions of the lord Anon
Not old prophecy anon
i've been responsible for the weather, sorry about that
Does Love put boundries of 'fittin' in does it, that is disappointin'
Anon has never fit in, is not good enough for anyone now, so i suspect will not 'fit in' to your world either
that is sad
yet expected