The special magical sparkle potions inside LEO badges… is drifting away.
Yes, the Scientific Technocracy knows that for [them] to survive, they will need to do everything possible to try and prevent words of truth from drifting table to table.
The Attack on the 1A right of assembly, was out of the gate with this U.S. Government Sponsored Terrorism… cover your mouth, stand six feet apart, don’t go to sports, restaurants, faith congregations or gather even in your own homes.
Fucking disgusting, only topped by the extraordinary numbers of common people (de-educated) unable to see it all for what it is.
Please please… any remaining ‘good guys’ still wearing a Uniform of LEO…
Those “cops” in the vids, were surely told in so many words, that the Badges possessed magical sparkle powder protecting them from just is seen here.
Please think about that.
Same here, in my own ‘recalcitrant’ town diner.
Cept i was the ‘ol guy’ talking about Epps/j6 and Veritas/DARPA “leaks”.
Got a nice hush in the crowd when i pointed out that EITHER a massive warcrime was committed by government people and documented by that same government… OR, that same government FORGED fake documents to entrap We the People in a fake story to terrorize… either way that’s one hell of a criminal, seditious and treasonous “Government”.
“Watch the water” (for whatever that is worth).
Looks like a demo crew is about to dig up the water fountain between WH and Lafayette Park.
‘I can’t tell you that, i’m too busy with this pickle.’
The fundamental Stupidity of this “Government”, is that EVENTUALLY We the People will be too tired and broke to “Comply” with fuck all.
Ya gotta be some seriously-retarded-stupid in “The Intelligence Community” if ya think ya can squeeze anymore “National Security” out of this Fact Pattern.
Well, when you can kite fraudulent checks to yourself underwritten by We the People… you can get your hands on some real heavy equipment.
I’d hit that.
Keep in mind that if the documents are authentic, then a massive crime has been committed by government.
If the documents are fraudulent and crafted by government, then a massive crime has been committed by government.
If government doesn’t want to investigate either of those possibilities, then a massive crime is committed by government.
Seems a pattern is coming into view.
For the first time ever in my life, let alone the last two years (even worked with livestock and horse dewormer going back to the 80’s)
For the first time, i heard someone talking about an injection version of Ivermectin in vials. At first blush, i was stuck be the oddity of an ‘injected’ edible. WTF, anons?
Anyone know if there’s any possible truth in that, or should I stick with my instincts that there is only more bullshit afoot?
I just started laughing out loud when The Story was being told to me… but i did want to give a smidgen of room that some silly person needlessly devised an injection version of something designed to be safely taken orally.
I’m still going with my first response… laughter.
The Story was piled very very high. The subject, a “Nurse”, was diagnosed with The Covidia, The Nurse couldn’t find a Doctor to administer Ivermectin, the Nurse found some at a farm store.
THEN, get this… The Nurse couldn’t find a syringe.
THEN, shit this just keeps going… THEN The Nurse used a DRILL to get into the vial (you know, to defeat the rubber stopper).
And THEN self medicated by ‘drinking’ the medicine over several days. All better now.
I’m still laughing, cept for the part of how many fucking people are pretending to line up this Story and tell me about it the “Harrowing Experience”.
Thanks, anon.
Now the question remains… if you can’t get this under your skin with a syringe… would there be any value OR risk drinking the stuff?
No worries, anons.
I’m just still struck by the SaladShooter blending and tossing of details people are mixing together in all of these Stories. Let alone, supposedly from a Nurse. What a fucking mess!
So… not trying to pinch you, anon…
So what you are saying, is that an injection designed Ivermectin, can be used effectively taken orally, on some toast?
skeptical anon is skeptical
Unfortunately, We do not have a functioning and trustworthy medical community available to clarify…
Moonshine sounds like the best so far.
Not wanting to ‘get into it all’, with a knowitall ‘Nurse’… I wasn’t about to try running down every wildcard aspect of The Story. I don’t think i’ve ever walk away so fast from such in my life (and boy do i have some ammo, but just didn’t want to risk any anymore. Maybe it’s all for the best. I’ll leave The Nurse to their own devices, no need giving them any more gruff at this point).
Who the fuck knows?!?
So if… IF, the story is ‘true’ from the perspective of the Story Teller…
They ate the injectable Ivermectin which passed uselessly but also harmlessly through their digestive tract, and still recovered naturally from the sniffles… while crediting their miraculous recovery to their innovative use of self-medication?
Just Spitballing
(Ive commented more see below)
But basically yes…
One question remains in all that so far… administering any real but useless, and/or fake but harmless ‘drugs’… and the person or animal wasn’t actually sick in the first place, or recovered naturally anyway, irrespective any ‘treatments’ uselessly real OR placebo-imagined.
What a fucking mess medicine and science have become.