habbenings = fuckery^n
anon knew, having had a look at deepdogs last nightshift, that pig would be back soon.
who would that shock
she's gonny get covid and die and go to some enchanted island
this by itself oughts to take down the whole fucking she-bang.
anon doesn't recall Pig memes ever having shadow text.
everybody, anon. it's NYC.
that toddler looks like a grown up but I can't figure out who
anon likee
soros is askeert of DJT
As The Washington Post reported in 2018, “[R]ather than recede from public life in his twilight years, Soros has decided to push even harder for his agenda.” The election of Donald Trump spurred Soros and his organizations to push aggressively in two key directions — education and race.
watch it.
loaf is dasting
first time in a while
welcome back
anon feelz
dick taters are always paranoid
reflects well on dad, doesn't she
yeah this fucking quack is a white hat
habbenings 2-night!