Since 2018 I noticed there was fake anons here.
In 2020 is when it went full steam ahead.
I was the note collector early mornings before WDP (baker) came and took my notes. This went on for about a month and when I tried /COMMS/ I noticed WDP (the baker who took my notes for a month straight) admitted to deleting notables from previous breads.
Half of the notes I collected from 12 hours previously just magically disappeared.
When I brought this up. Screencapped the fucking conversations in /COMMS/ SHOWED THE FUCKING PROOF NOTABLES WERE BEING DELETED FROM PAST BREADS. Dozens of "ANONS" just said it's a slide, or I'm a shill or whatever.
Next was when a reporter asked Trump the (Q)uestion in a 30-40 minute live press conference.
The live video (the full video) made it into the notables about Trump being asked the (Q)uestion. About 10 of us starting posting the exact time stamp to this one video that is 30-40 minutes long) and others were taking the 45 seconds clip of the reporter asking Trump and him responding.
In the notables sat
>Trump was finally asked the Q
>30-40 minute video with no time stamp
>No other smaller clips of the exchange
When some of the anons tried to address the problem, I've never seen people get attacked so hard for them wanting to introduce a 45 second clip about the exchange.