> Learn to Bake
Last night a bunch of supposed old Bakers said they were going to start Baking again.
I guess we'll find out of that's true once your shift ends in a bread or 2, -BakerG.
> Learn to Bake
Last night a bunch of supposed old Bakers said they were going to start Baking again.
I guess we'll find out of that's true once your shift ends in a bread or 2, -BakerG.
>board drama died with you faggot
Board Wars were the only thing keeping the board alive during the Q drop drought of QR 2021.
Once the euphoria wears off and the new Board Admin finally make an appearance here we'll see what QR 2022 will start to look like.
The continued lack of QR 2018 style diggs and mostly newsbot Notables issues still remain no matter who has the keys to the board.
Jim sure was opportunistic about what he did since the board wasn't really abandoned (despite FJ being an absentee dgaf landlord) which is the only reason he's ever done a transfer like this before.
>Yea, the entire /COMMS/ crew that anons booted from this place are now the BO/BVs
Well, once these supposed new/old Bakers show back up and the ebonics start up again that will be confirmed.
> Ive been using the index but for the past few days new ones not showing up for some odd reason.
Because, despite the previous narrative it was BV, 8kun is a borked image board.
Muh Catalog and even the blessed Index have had and will prolly still have issues working correctly.
Jim said a few months back to buy lots of coffee if you want him to fix it.
Otherwise, learn to work around it somehow.
So, basically, all the Doodle style talk last night about unity being the key moving forward was a bunch of hot air.
BV OSS is gone now - why perpetuate the division unless you're a shill that likes that kind of thing here?
New BO Flint and his/her band of new BVs have been quiet so far.
Maybe the BO or a BV will post at some point today and you can ask them directly.
Free speech board and he doesn't appear to be violating any of Jim's rules right now.
Plus, he's saying he just wants his new board approved so he can leave QR for good.
I don't see why Jim wouldn't let him and 8bit have a new board since Comms/QRB/Midnightriders/Deepdigs all got one under similar circumstances before.
>Board administration doesn't need to reveal their remediation strategy or even say whether they have one or not.
Nobody is asking about that.
Just check in so Anons know it's not someone like Fungus admin'ing the board now.
> I look forward to Q Research actually functioning as a research site supporting dig meme pray
Those days are long gone until proven otherwise no matter who has the keys to the board.
>let the faggot go back to /pol/
Should all the oldfags that were on /pol/ when Q showed up and then followed Q over to Jim's Mongolian Basket Weaving Image Board go back now, too?
>Sorry if you don't like it.
I like it.
I engaged you back with my own opinion.
Do you not like that?
Of course they're going to try.
Why wouldn't they since nothing so far has been done about what they successfully pulled off last time?
The 2022 midterm voting still looks like pic related to me.
/Comms/ board looked the same way back in late QR 2020.
They got fat-n-lazy back then, too.
QR has been a case study of how power can go to the head and breed complacency.
>Suggestions for this section?
Yes, what does new BO Flint think about it and other Board Admin related items?
Sure, np.
First, show positive results like AZ AG Numchuck ackshyually doing something with the obvious is obvious fuckery evidence sitting in his inbox collecting dust.
>Truth Social
Yeah, I hope it lives up to the promise.
Besides as many of the long ago departed oldfag diggers here said on their way out the door:
Why post diggs anonymously on QR when some famefag is just going to copypasta them as their own over on the Twatter anyways?
If Truth Social will leave them alone to do the work and not Shut It Down! then they will finally be proven not wrong.
It's all just a merry-go-round of big mad now do something dammit futility.
The Precipice is long and narrow indeed.
Yes, because Board War related topics is how the new and improved QR rolls.
Who needs news unlocks future proves past bs cluttering up the Bread Titles anyways?
>bakers choice last i checked.
That's the old FJ/OSS/8bit approved way.
So, not until BO Flint says that still stands.
Things are in flux when it comes to that stuff and he/she ain't talking yet.
New BO Flint is active right now.
He used a CYA technicality to do it in the dark with no advanced announcement of it here.
That's not being transparent to Anons.
8bit comm'd ahead of time when he transferred the BO to FJ.
Before that Q comm'd ahead of time that CBTS was compd and he/Anons needed to move.
Jim executed a behind the scenes in the dark coup and handed the board off to unknowns that could be Fungus types for all we know.
>You'll never know because true board administrators don't play their hand in public.
What/why are they hiding?
Q didn't and neither did 8bit/FJ.
Why can't they be transparent?
The previous BO no longer gaf is a fair discussion point.
Just like why is the new BO staying in the shadows is as well.
That doesn't fly since nobody is asking for that.
You're deliberately using some tangent strawman approach to sidestep it.
The Q boards have long had a precedent that basic info about the Board Admin is known.
Especially after the CBTS incident habbened.
Jim's not going to honor it even if he does.
Jim has made QR Comms 2.0 now.
It is what it is.