>The few oldfag anons left should be able to see what is happening/what is coming
Wasn't on the board yesterday
What happened? new Bo / Bv's?
>The few oldfag anons left should be able to see what is happening/what is coming
Wasn't on the board yesterday
What happened? new Bo / Bv's?
>OSS got removed yesterday.
Comms in control of the board now?
If so, I see a lot of free time in my future
>Jim gave the board to the old comms group
Huh. That seems imprudent
Maybe Watkins wants the board to shut down
>I do know the comms people were messaging him with all their REEEEEs about getting BTFO
>I think he finally just said fuck it. And I dont blame him
Perhaps a new anon board will be created at some point
It's not really posting much of significance when they have control
Recall Q having to call out the Color Revolution
This board hasn't been 'the news' in a long time
Too much fighting over baker control and notables
When comms had control, I recall Q stop thanking the bakers and just thanking anons and patriots
>We have a massive hive on TG ready to migrate if Truth Social turns out to be stable and algo-free.
Anons can and will migrate and leave the board to Comms
They can spend all day chatting amongst themselves how they are the greatest people in existence
>OSS isn't the last one that will try to put a filter/damper on anon light
I believe you have a typo there and meant to say Comms, insufferable comped Comms
>You shills are menstrating all over your manpons over the bv/bo shuffle
>This is GLORIOUS!
Enjoy today!
No really I mean that.
Anons will migrate elsewhere
Then you can just exist in the Comms echo chamber, notables will dry up, the cash cow of aggregating notables goes away, as does control of the narrative
Truly. Enjoy today. You won't have more like it.
>There haven't been diggs involume of old since before OSS even became BV.
>Just like DeepDigs failed at ramping them back up - so will those of you that stay behind on Comms-QR 2.0.
>Everyone will see the astuteness of this post once they realize that nothing changes moving forward in that regard.
Truth social might wind up being VERY beneficial in many ways
Anons can post their research and share information without all the drama from Comms/Deep Digs and whatever new name they come up with for themselves
>Bird Sing?
>From favorite son to private citizen
>It's only gonna get worse.
>If you add a board, it will get corrupted too. Just need to clean this one up, that is all.
The baker wars have gone on for too long and during critical times like just before the election
Time for a change
Q is not posting and if when he ever does again, he will follow anons
QR will still get traction from anon addicts, the rest of us can wait it out until an anon friendly board is available or even a new platform like Truth Social
>When Q comes back… it will be exclusively on this board
Q has changed Boards before
Besides Q is not posting so no need to be on this board specifically
Everyone will know if Q posts again and would come back for a look see, but that is irrelevant right now