We have a massive hive on TG ready to migrate if Truth Social turns out to be stable and algo-free. We're the same band of anons that got nuked within an hour or so of DJT getting nuked. Fingers crossed.
Mandate blocked on 1/13.
Possibly tied to the 11.3 "marker"?
If you've been here for any length of time, you'll find it to be quite good for deep diggings. We work in "hives" without noise. These groups form organically and seem to attract anons with very specificand necessaryareas of expertise/interest and we hold each other accountable for sauced stories. You'll find a home (or several). Good luck, Patriot.
I'm super comfy.
Even the super sleepy Normies are starting to question things.
Every passing day creates moar clarity that we had to let the DS steal the election and attempt to drive our country into the ditch.