I never thought of the Cardinal Princes on Epstein island having to do with an actual Prince even though I knew Andrew had been there..
3 other Princes?
Each prince is associated with a CARDINALdirection: north, south, east and west.
I never thought of the Cardinal Princes on Epstein island having to do with an actual Prince even though I knew Andrew had been there..
3 other Princes?
Each prince is associated with a CARDINALdirection: north, south, east and west.
>I thought WHO and European Medical Something said mandates are retarded and too much vaccine damages your immune system. Get with the program stupid Turdeau
He bought 400 million vax doses for a population of 33 million.
Sex Vax
i was thinking Prince Dopey Bin Talal
at least 2 or 3 years ago
that is Kamala's step daughter
>thx. upcoming March 11th is 11.3 (day-month). exactly 1555 days from start of Q Clock.
>note the time on the Apple watch. lotta Gold in that image, too, come to think of it
This is interesting. Not a Qlock fag but I have never seen anybody even assoiciate this drop with Qlock winding