The supreme court did not stay the CMS mandate which does not allow for a testing option and forces healthcare workers to choose between their job or Russian roulette with an experimental drug. The supreme court is and continues to be compomised. At least Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Barrett still respect the rights of the individual this time…
“These cases are not about the efficacy or importance of COVID-19 vaccines. They are only about whether CMS has the statutory authority to force health care workers, by coercing their employers, to undergo a medical procedure they do not want and cannot undo. Because the Government has not made a strong showing that Congress gave CMS that broad authority, I would deny the stays pending appeal. I respectfully dissent,” Thomas wrote.
People are seeing today as a win because of the employer mandate being blocked (but still being heard by a lower court, it isn't over). I see another nail in the coffin of the American people and their loss of freedom and God given rights as the supreme court did not prevent a government official from forcing an unwanted and unreversable medical treatment upon an individual. Unacceptable. Today was an absolute failure of democracy and our court system.