Anonymous ID: 0075a3 Jan. 13, 2022, 10:11 p.m. No.15371711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why/or do private businesses have to tell the government how people they employ?

What right does the government have to demand that information?

When that information is demanded/given it automatically puts the government in a position to get their boot in your private door.

Is there a penalty for not letting them get their boot in your door?

If SCOTUS would have upheld JRBs mandate, not only would they have a boot in your door, but they'd also have a needle in your arm.

We The People need to stop relying on the courts to protect us after there is a clear and present threat, We The People need to start doing things that keep our business private.

There needs to be a clear line drawn, and they need to realize what happens when they cross it.