Anonymous ID: 7f4e01 Jan. 13, 2022, 10:33 p.m. No.15371833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1839 >>1841 >>1865 >>1978 >>2070 >>2203 >>2227 >>2230






Who is Joseph Cofer Black?











Burisma / Ukraine


“…and it’s shocking. Romney’s National Security Advisor, Joseph Cofer Black, sits on the Board of the same Burisma Holdings that was being investigated for corruption back in 2014, and the Vice President and Obama Administration demanded be shut down. Why? Because Burisma was/is their vehicle for corrupt practices in Eastern Europe.

And CIA Director, John Brennan’s 9/11 Deep State partner, Cofer Black, is still the link to all that goes on there. In fact, I can state unequivocally that Burisma is the centre of Ukraine corruption and the Democrats’ shadow organisation for corrupt activities. I live in Eastern Europe (Poland) and my sources are first-hand.

And I know this matters greatly to Mitt Romney as he is not yet done with politics. If Black is busted, it will reflect on Romney, and it only makes sense that Cofer Black is the Deep State ‘plant’ in case Romney ever rises above polishing knobs in the U.S. Senate.

Romney wants to run for President again in 2024 and if he wins, Cofer Black will be back with his fingers on the strings either as DNI or CIA Chief of Corruption.

Burisma Holdings is the hub of U.S. Democrat activities to corrupt both Ukraine and American politics and there is proof. Ukraine President Zelenskyy’s win surprised both Brennan and Black’s Deep State ops as much as Trump’s did in 2016 in America.

So who is this Cofer Black guy?

Joseph Cofer Black, joined the CIA in 1974 and rose to be Director of The National Counterterrorism Center, before joining Mitt Romney. If it were not for researching this article, I admit, he was unknown to me as well. What a revelation.

Black was also the Head of Counterintelligence who somehow missed the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington, though according to The Economist, 16 foreign leaders and heads of intelligence agencies warned him it was not only going to happen but when. Oh well. And nothing was done about Cofer Black for this, indicating this is what the Deep State wanted.

But it goes deeper. John Brennan and this guy, Cofer Black, are how 19 terrorists got into the U.S.A. to attack the U.S. on 9/11. Editor Harry will jump on me or make Nurse Ratched give me a dose of Castor Oil if I say something I can’t prove, so I’m just going to quote the CIA whistleblower at the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia CIA staff hearing, who is the source:

“According to Freedom Outpost, Brennan was the CIA station chief in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, when the 9/11 hijackers were given visas to travel to the United States.

“In September 2014, a whistleblower named Greg Ford, a former military intelligence officer, told Ground Zero Radio’s Clyde Lewis that the CIA had objections to the approval of those visas but Brennan actually overrode them.”

The second in command of the CIA station was directly quoted by the whistleblower as saying, ‘No way, absolutely we are not going to stamp those visas.’

But CIA Saudi station chief, John Brennan, overrode the officer in charge and ordered the visas to be stamped and issued. They came, they learned to ‘take off’ an airplane but said they were not interested in ‘how to land.’

Cofer Black ignored the reports about this strange behaviour, though it was made, I know as a fact, from the people who made it. I was also a Florida-based pilot in 2001.

You know the rest of the story…”


“Mr. Black brought to this role his extensive background at the CIA, which he joined in 1974 and where he trained for covert operations. He rose rapidly through the ranks, becoming director of the National Counterterrorism Center from 1999 to 2002. Coincidentally, this was the time in which al-Qaeda planned and carried out the 911 attack without hindrance from the counterintelligence apparatus of the Intelligence Community. But Black was not penalized; he failed upward, being appointed ambassador at large and coordinator for counter-terrorism by President George W. Bush in December 2002.


And in yet another amazing coincidence, Black was succeeded in his job as director of the National Counterterrorism Center by John Brennan.”

Anonymous ID: 7f4e01 Jan. 13, 2022, 10:34 p.m. No.15371839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1865 >>1978 >>2070 >>2158 >>2203 >>2227 >>2230



Also connects to Eric Prince…

(Who knows where the bodies are buried?)


“From there, Black began working in the private sector, serving as Vice Chairman for Blackwater (now Acedmi). Black resigned from his position following controversy surrounding Blackwater’s ASSASSINATION PROGRAM. The company has since rebranded.

Black also served on Mitt Romney’s campaign for president in 2012. From the Federalist:

He later worked at Blackwater as a vice chairman before joining Romney’s campaign as a “special adviser” on Romney’s Foreign Policy and National Security Advisory Team in October of 2011.”


Erik Prince is the wealthy scandal-plagued mercenary who seems never go away from the headlines. The founder of the notorious Blackwater private security company has since been involved in shady schemes and arms dealing everywhere from China to UAE to Syria to Venezuela. He currently heads the Hong Kong-listed Frontier Services Group, providing 'security services' across the globe.

And now it's been revealed that he's deeply involved in the still-raging war in Libya.



Why the red line in Ukraine? Putin knows…


“Russia publishes ‘red line’ demands of U.S. and NATO amid heightened tension over Kremlin threat to Ukraine.

President Vladimir Putin’s ultimatums are almost certain to be rejected by the Biden administration and its Western allies.”

Anonymous ID: 7f4e01 Jan. 13, 2022, 11:22 p.m. No.15372049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2051 >>2203 >>2227 >>2230




Muammar Gaddafi


“We came, we saw, he died”

~Hillary Clinton


“In a speech delivered during his prime years of leadership, Gaddafi asserted that there are people who specialize in creating health problems just to make money, irrespective of the danger it poses to human existence.”


“According to him, “they will create the virus themselves and they will sell the antidotes afterwards, pretending to take their time to find the solution when they already have it.”


“In 2009, Colonel Gaddafi, then President of the African Union, suggested to the States of the African continent to switch to a new currency, independent of the American dollar: the gold dinar.”


“…its bombing of Libya, which gave cover for jihadist militias to sodomize Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to death with a bayonet and paved the way for the reintroduction of slavery on the African continent…”


“Barack Obama has said the biggest mistake of his presidency was the lack of planning for the aftermath of Muammar Gaddafi’s ouster in Libya…”


Timber Sycamore is the codename of a covert operation officially authorized by Obama in June 2013 to train and equip the anti-Assad rebellion, but which actually started in October 2011, when the CIA was operating via Britain’s MI6 to avoid having to notify Congress that it was arming the rebels in Syria. Originally, the CIA and MI6 (the British foreign intelligence service) set up a rebel arms supply network in Syria from Libya…”


Ultimately, Donald Trump decided to phase out this operation in early summer 2017. This was a major setback for the CIA, as the US President was thereby conceding the defeat of the United States and its partners in the war against Syria and its Russian, Iranian and Lebanese allies.

Anonymous ID: 7f4e01 Jan. 13, 2022, 11:22 p.m. No.15372051   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“Benghazi cover up tied to U.S. gun-smuggling operation: Documents“


“The Obama administration officials — with the awareness of the Secretary of State — were involved in violating a ban on arming rebels in Syria in an operation that mirrors the Iran-Contra Scandal during the Reagan Administration. But while the news media initiated a feeding-frenzy on Iran-Contra, they’re either yawning or helping the Obama administration in covering up the Benghazi-to-Syria arms transfers. 

During Thursday’s House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing, the news media and the Democratic Party information machine appeared to be creating their desired narrative: the GOP is on a witch hunt to stop Hillary Clinton’s inauguration as President. But the hearings did manage to force the release of documents that were being hidden by the alleged conspirators.”


“The evidence is overwhelming that the United States had several rescue teams ready to go during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but someone — possibly the president himself — prevented them from acting. So said Emmy Award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson to talk show host Steve Malzberg in an interview on Wednesday.”