Anonymous ID: 80e94f Jan. 13, 2022, 11:08 p.m. No.15372003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2062 >>2203 >>2227 >>2230

Re: What’s Next for Digital Disinformation? [How to Silence Opposition]

>>15369539 (pb)

>“It Has to Stop” – Joe Biden Tells Social Media Companies to “Deal with” Covid “Misinformation and Disinformation” (VIDEO)

Reminder: Hewlett and Ford Foundations re: “Disinformation” Game Planning Retreat

[How to Silence Opposition]

Since the discussion took place, the Hewlett Foundation announced a $10 million commitment to support research on U.S. democracy’s digital disinformation problem.

And the Hewlett Foundation together with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Charles Koch Foundation, Democracy Fund, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and Omidyar Network, announced a new partnership with Harvard, Stanford and the Social Science Research Council to provide scholars with privacy-protected data access to advance the public’s [understanding of Facebook’s role in elections and democracy].

May 23, 2018


"Whether or not Facebook decides to reinstate former President Trump’s account in the coming months will likely have major consequences for Trump's political power and possible future campaign," NPR wrote on Twitter.

"Being on Facebook is crucial for modern-day political campaigns," NPR explains in the accompanying story. A Big Tech blackout would mean a drop in fundraising and "a significant revenue valve would be shut off for Trump, imperiling a 2024 presidential bid, if he decides to run again." This could also trickle down to negatively affect the midterm candidates he plans to endorse, they write.

Interesting way of admitting how much election interference and election meddling against Republicans that our tech companies can do and have done!

May 6, 2021


What’s Next for Digital Disinformation?

January 25, 2018:

Ford Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation convened a group of more than 50 scholars, think tank leaders, funders, and platform representatives to brainstorm key research questions and steps to address these concerns.

[Participants: pgs. 21-23] [(You) know [them].]

They focused on digital disinformation, political polarization, and research.


Reducing engagement with disinformation is complicated for many reasons.

Scaling disinformation is much easier than scaling anti-disinformation (e.g., fact-checking).

Disinformation uses memes and messages that scale quickly and attach to rising key words.

Countering and correcting these tactics requires much more work than disseminating disinformation (e.g., some experts suggest eight to 15 hours of work are needed to fact-check content that may take just five minutes to create).


“Changing whether, and how, people encounter disinformation is another area where research is needed. Interventions might involve identifying pieces of disinformation, or identifying problematic accounts, and either warning people or algorithmically reducing the visibility of disinformation.

It is important to figure out how to identify nefarious content quickly”


“Cooperate to trace users sharing disinformation across platforms”

“Can we develop protocols to identify people?”

Anonymous ID: 80e94f Jan. 13, 2022, 11:24 p.m. No.15372062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2203 >>2227 >>2230


Re: What’s Next for Digital Disinformation? [How to Silence Opposition] (part 2)

Participant examples:

[Jessica Ashooh], Director of Policy at [Reddit]

David Askenazi, Director of Learning and Impact at the Knight Foundation

David Rothschild*, Economist at Microsoft Research

Danielle Bowers, Research and Development Manager for Google News Lab

Sara Su, Product Manager at Facebook, News Feed

Kathy Porto Chang, Product Manager at Twitter


Ashooh is a term member of the [Council on Foreign Relations]

“Expert” at the Atlantic Council?

Atlantic Council?

Mark T. Esper**

Michael V. Hayden, C_A

Henry A. Kissinger

Leon E. Panetta, C_A

David H Petraeus, C_A

R. James Woolsey, C_A…


Reddit is one of the world’s most influential news and social media platforms.

That is why it was so surprising that so little was made of the company’s decision to appoint foreign policy hawk [Jessica Ashooh] to the position of Director of Policy in 2017, at which time it was also the eight most visited site in the U.S.

Ashooh, who had been a Middle East foreign policy wonk at NATO’s think tank the Atlantic Council, was appointed at around the same time that the Senate Select Intelligence Committee was demanding more control over the popular website, on the grounds that it was being used to spread disinformation.

June 11th, 2021


Is Ghislaine Maxwell secretly one of the most powerful Redditors of all time?


*Fact: In abandoning peaceful transfer of power, Trump rejected 160 years of history


If this were a movie: Elon Musk is walking very fine line between crusading capitalist & super villain.

(1) Republicans can just lie about their "policy" while Democrats need to defend real policies. And, mainstream media does not hold Republicans accountable for lies, while they will tear Democrats about over whatever they deem is the weakest part of their policy …


**President Trump tweets firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper

Anonymous ID: 80e94f Jan. 14, 2022, 3:33 a.m. No.15372402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Covid live: Swedish PM tests positive

A quick snap from Reuters here that Sweden’s Social Democratic prime minister, Magdalena Andersson, has tested positive for Covid, her spokesperson told TT news agency, as a growing wave of infections swept the country, driven by the Omicron variant.