no, Djokovic is a scapegoat and a political tool right now to inflame ANY tensions with russia Slav nation.
Remember, Australia was aside from the Aboriginal Homeland a British Colony and still kinda is.
no, Djokovic is a scapegoat and a political tool right now to inflame ANY tensions with russia Slav nation.
Remember, Australia was aside from the Aboriginal Homeland a British Colony and still kinda is.
>Australia is still a British colony
>Their police, military and political classes still swear an oath to the English Queen
Well there we have it.
Matches perfectly the rhetoric coming out of PBC [Pedophile Broadcast Channel]
Have any feds had the bright idea of crossing the border illegally themselves with the intent of being apprehended and attempting to pose as an immigrant and recieve all kinds of free shit?
''Because that would be a ludicrous expose Op.''