List of things that Tippy Top must fix:
Put God back in charge of the country
Divulge that the world is flat or not and that the NWO was hiding the proof of a creator. (The faggot who asked Q if the world was flat asked the wrong question. The faggot should have asked is the world a globular shape. Of course the world is not flat there are mountains idiot).
Revamp or get rid of UN. In America get rid of the CIA. Use Special Ops and Spec Ops Intel federally.
Get rid of all lobbying and campaign contributions (State and Federal Government should provide equal funding for each candidate. (Money is the root of all evil) as long as they keep campaign contributions and only the richest people can run for office we are screwed. Joe farmer should have a chance. Faggot ass ring knocking Pompeo is already asking for donations on his pipehitter initiative. Yet his recruiting initiative still sucks because he hasn't reached out. I aint looking but is Trump still asking for money? Elections could/should be run so anyone and everyone could be President. Even the playing field. Candidates could create a platform and articulate it on social media and compete locally. If they win their city/state brackets they advance into a national bracket until only 2 faggot candidates remain. All can be broadcasted for even and equal exposure.
Clean up the Justice system. Burn the whole thing down. Restart/recertify all judges and lawyers.
Allow God back into school. Clean up the Universities and education system (no propaganda spoken, if spoken=fired)
Clean up the media (just the boring facts, no propaganda spoken, if spoken=fired)
Clean up entertainment and hollyweird propaganda. No faggots on TV, no baphomets on TV. Either we are a country that trusts God or not.
Kill all suspected pedophiles on the spot (maybe too extreme?) nah
Uncorrupt the medical field and Big pharma
Pay law enforcement, military, legitimate doctors and other first line responders the highest salaries while make lawyers and entertainers the lowest. The system is backward. I love me some sports but their salaries are ridiculous and then they divulge or are paid to back political agendas. Thereby influencing the youth.
Get rid of the military branches. Just Military. Specialties become the branches. This streamlines all Doctrinal language, all common SOPS across the board. Everyone speaks same language / leadership and learns the same general SOPs. (Obviously each specialty has its own specific SOPS but battle drill 1 is still battle drill 1) Combine all Special Ops into one elite force under SOCOM. One selection and training pipeline. Yes everyone goes through Hellweek. Combine Delta and ST6 but still part of SOCOM.
I am sure there is more. But perhaps a good start.
If Trump does not implement or divulge most of this then you know it was all just to regain control and then you know why the Q plan is taking so long. Because it fears the face diaper wearing libtard sheeple, and wants to simply maintain control and avoid a civil war. Perhaps a civil war is necessary? I am in and ready. What we tolerate is what we deserve! Weakness is choice!
So Trump what is your vision? Is the best yet to come? What will you say tomorrow if you speak? If you reiterate your same effing spiel that is a broken record I am tuning out. Waiting until November is not being at the precipice as Danny boy suggested and led us on to believe.
Patriot Guardian Faggot.