Well, the "Great Reset" is going to take care of all of it. Many parts of it are already in place and when they make the move to pull the plug the entire western world is going to be fucked. Dollar crashes, everthing goes to a digital currency. .40cents on the dollar is what your 401k, savings everything, is going to be. ESG (environmental social governance) scores will be given to companies, banks and if you have a low ESG score you will be blacklisted. Does your company make a part that is used in the fracking industry? You will be forced to stop selling it. Buying something say for instance, a firearm, ammunition etc……. you go to pay for it and the purchase is denied. [[[They]]] will have total control of your life. Have a gasoline powered automobile? Hmm…………………..there goes your ESG score right down the drain.
Ordered Glenn Beck's book "The Great Reset". Should be here in a day or so. He been right in the past and I'm afraid he's right now. THis is not going to be good.