Call To Action****
Please keep an eye on the push to make OSPI superintendents an APPOINTED position. Why is this not ok??
This means we will lose our rights to vote for our next superintendent of schools. That means the superintendent of public instruction doesn't have to listen or answer to parents and voters because they do not elect him.
So who will appoint him?? The governor!! Who from where I am standing looks like it will never change from Jay Inslee.
This has already happened in King County. The King County Council gets to appoint their county sheriff. SAY WHAT???!!!! Yes you heard that correctly. The highest authority in that county is now APPOINTED!!! A little scary huh?? By our Constitution, that position is suppose to protect We The People from the government. Now the government controls that position. (Again scared yet??)
They will have to depend on the local police to stand up to the County Sheriff and Council to protect the people of King county.
Guess who else has an appointed Sheriff because the last one retired?? KITSAP!!! He is up for election in 2022. Scared yet?? You should be. Wake up people and start getting involved or you will lose all the freedoms that our veterans have been fighting for.
https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5820&Year=2021&Initiative=False&fbclid=IwAR152_xX28lkPCfFOiepkdYGZl-ZS2r1wANKiQqrOc8uAyl5uLjs_x1C4WE- Appointing the superintendent of public instruction. It is in the Senate at this time. 📣📣Public hearing is 8:00 am on January 21st. Please spread the word.
Upon further reading it appears that this requires a revision to the state constitution. TELL CONGRESS REPS VOTE NO TO SJR-8212!!
THAT IS A HARD NO!!!!!!!!!❌❌❌
From TG
Bc FB is FJB