wow look at all those doctors and lawyers.
Let him BURN.
protecting him and others from attack. Yeah they all need to be targeted.
So looking at the end of Fauci's financials, trying to understand the Klaus Scwhwab stuff, are they listing the stock trades he is making. am i seeing this right?
So another question on these Financials. Is it just me or am i being a little conspiratorial. I find it interesting that Fauci has Klaus Schwab as a money manager with some others granted but considering what we know about schwab is there a possibility of insider trading. or payments being funneled through the stocks?
and i keep saying Klaus when its Charles, but i think there is a tie there also. But i am not a financial anon at all.
i don't follow stocks so really out of my depth on this but he is trading a bunch. The shear number of pages of this is insane. Not individual stocks either it looks like but portfolio things or bundled things.