Season 7 Episode 2 - the smoking man is walking mulder out of the neuro ward. I am your father. I horned your mom when your dad wasn't looking.
Fix 2020 First
Fix 2020 First
Fix 2020 First
Fix 2020 First
Fix 2020 First
2020 RNC.
The happiest four nights of our recent lives.
Bring the boss back.
Try and execute the traitors whom have looted our country.
Death of the democratic party.
The beginning of the reign of the MAGA party for the next HUNDRED years.
Shit anons, it sounds like I've been watching too much Bannon and Epshteyn. LOL!
Donald Trump was the best President ever.
Trump ran circles around Reagan.
Trump unified the base that was formerly the John F. Kennedy democratic party - the people's party. We are all now republicans because Trump represents the People.
The 2020 election was an outright fraud.
The Covid19 pandemic was a pre-mediated transgression against the World which needs to be met with terminal intensity and swift justice for those who perpetrated the crime.
The crimimals who perpetrated the greatest crime in the history of America need to be brought to justice and executed.
Fauci needs to be not only the first arrest, but the first hanging as well.
The swamp needs to be purged.
America is on the verge of having the best century ever realized once we purge the cancer from our country.
Withstand, do not consent, stand the line, and fight.
Amazing what looking at a few Trump memes and my Trump Card does for my spirits isnt it guys and girls? It is about time for BOOMS. We are poised.