We don't accuse the jews of being subversive for nothing, anon.
Losing. Think again, jewboy. Pogroms are still on the menu. LMAO!
We don't accuse the jews of being subversive for nothing, anon.
Losing. Think again, jewboy. Pogroms are still on the menu. LMAO!
I concur. Right or wrong, they are engaged in serious autism. I have always rooted for them!
Maybe in time, they will be proven to be correct?
Jews attack everyone that they can't completely control, so, why not, right?
Just let anons post their shit and let the world decide.
jews are such fucking control freaks!
You clockfags are trying to put the pieces together. How can anyone really criticize that?
Keep going!
Yes. Let us all ask Gary!
Yes, they are. Give me a fucking breakโฆ
Yes. Jews larping as freedom defenders love to permaban anons whom they disagree with.
It is wrong, no matter what.
Let anons have their say, and let the lurkers decide which side makes the best arguments.
Free speech is for everyone.
LMAO. They are such hypocrites!
Ron Paul says we need a revolution [against our jewish overlords.]
Ron is always right.
Jesus told you that God was a benevolent father.
Being a father, myself of 5 children, I never forced my kids to beg for forgiveness because they fucked up, WHICH THEY DID A BILLION FUCKING TIMES.
Stop worshipping the god of the PATHETIC JEW, FOR FUCK'S SAKE.
Bubbye jew god worshipper who should die a miserable death for being a jew god / jew loving cunt.
As a lawfag, let me tell you.
This is what happens when you allow jews to control the legal system.
Prove the graphic with actual and verifiable gnome, or GO FUCK YOURSELF.
That is not what I asked for moran.
You know it. I know it. We all know it.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
I don't care about a controlled op jew.
We have the human genome. We can trace everything. Trace it, or fuck the fuck off.
Let me try to impart some knowledge to you FUCKING MORANS.
There is what we know to be true.
THEN, there is what we can PROVE IN A COURT OF FUCKING LAW, using that STANDARD.
Just because a jew says something that appears to be "true" does not make it true.
Blow me, jewboy.
They are nothing more than JEW-LOVING BOOMERS, anon. Of course, they can't see it.
They are fucking BOOMERS and JEWS.
What did you expect?
Not an argument, STUPID CUNT.
Try again, if you can.
I am sure all of the NIGGER LOVING boomers will agree.
Open the boarders!
The jewboys are tenacious. I will give them that.
Too bad we will pogrom them to the point where jew blood will run through the streets, knee deep.
That day is coming, soon. THANK GOD!
I get ya. But the boomers and their jew overlords have opened the borders as wide as possible.
Ugh. Fortunately, the great boomer die-off is taking place thanks to the JEWISH VACCINE.
Arguing stupidities like a jew nullifies any potential argument that you could make.
There are those of us that were trained to argue using logic. It is a prerequisite to being a lawfag.
Nice try, thoughโฆ For a complete and total moran!
Not only do you know it. THEY know it, too. Which is why they are in complete PANIC mode.
The goyim know, and we have had enough of the JEWISH ANTICS.