>If I get it when will symptoms start?
Wait, you do know that no symptoms is one of the symptoms of corona?
We also need to know how many masks you were wearing at that point.
>If I get it when will symptoms start?
Wait, you do know that no symptoms is one of the symptoms of corona?
We also need to know how many masks you were wearing at that point.
It's said that it's also possible to get Green Tea Extract instead of that.
What's important though is regarding Green Tea Extract:
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) should be around 50%
And for Zinc, you could/should take Zinc Picolinate, which is easier for the body to take in.
According to Zelenko Protocol it should be 50 to 100 mg Zinc daily, normally you should only take 15 mg/day. For Zinc Picolinate you need to calculate the correct dosage. It should say for example 1 tab = 15 mg Zinc.
I can't find any attached file that was called operator1010 (goes back to mid 2020)
I think qresear.ch deletes posts from index when they are deleted here. If you can give me some content, I can check my own archive, which ignores deletions (unless it was deleted very fast).
>complete loss of smell (which still hasn’t returned)
Flu symptom, has been like that since forever
It's YOUR body telling you to STOP eating so that it has time to take care of itself.
>The first arrest will shock the world.
No, that was not said in Q drops.
#3717 / #3716
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
Other drops:
"The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD."
My post was just meant to correct the thing that was wrong in your post, especially because I read it over and over again. No offense intended.
If you can, do not do invasive tests.
They use Ethylene Oxide for making the swab sterile and that's bad for your health, especially when you do it daily for months.
>I just want people to call covid the cold again. its all so tiresome.
Are you sure that you can infect others with "the cold" / "the flu"?
>more people died
>that means it must be a virus, can't have been the shit traitors did to the people like locking them in houses, changing medical protocols, forcing them to wear masks, making them fear for their lives for months, etc. etc. etc.
In some countries it seems more people died last year than in 2020.
Explain that using the fake news narrative.
Every year people die from the flu.
Also when you poison yourself, or get put under massive amounts of stress, you are more likely to get seriously ill as well.
Most humans are also social creatures. Being alone makes you die sooner statistically speaking.
Well "die from the flu".
I myself doubt they actually "die from the flu", but that's another matter altogether.
As Q said (not sure, but I think it was a drop) - why do children typically not die "from it", but older people do.
>Fox News grapic
They OFFICIALLY claimed that the flu is "gone". And also CLAIMED that the masks would have stopped "the flu", but not covid, but you should wear them anyway, which is ridiculous already.
Did anything else change like anyone forcing masks on people or making them fear for their lives for months?
What did for example Cuomo do?
Put sick people back into old people's home instead of keeping them in the hospital or well like putting them onto the military ship that POTUS sent?
>math says we lost half a million MORE people to your 'flu' than the prior year.
Show me actual sources.
btw. did you forget that people started shooting people with experimental shit in December 2020 already?