so does he shoot them all before, Trump speaks or during his speech? Or does he get shot before it. Sill have 4 hours to end this garbage.
sorry no, wrong target just generally curious. Besides if i was the FBI i would already know, right?
why larry bird, just because or is there a reason?
ty. Perfect reason, so yeah will pray for that as well seems like something good to channel energy towards.
talk about some 3 ptr's like larry bird a difficult shot maybe. Yeah i really like this Larry Bird idea.
that would be funny.
OK i will also accept if he comes out and dances to that song.
I am just retarded sometimes. Made more than my fair share of memes with grammar errors that have caught the eye of the kitty.
i had no clue they did that joke so many times.
so the UN is paying these fucks to storm the US seems that they have over stayed their welcome and need to be kicked the fuck out of NYC.
well they can enjoy the childhood diabetes and obesity also. Sucks but those kids wont make it to puberty.
here is another reply faggot. Fuck off.
didn't that happen a year or two back a guy came in i think he shot one person before a bunch of parishioners lit him up.
quad quads confirm possible role. It would actually make sense.
wow this almost seems like a waste of a post concern fag.
so if Trump announces running tonight. Like some think. I wonder if he will announce his VP as well? Won't be Penis Breath pence that is for sure.