Child abuse 100%.
The woman vote is why we have commies, libtards and faggots in govt.
Love that guy. Local hero for us.
Everything by Aristophanes is top kek, only a handful of plays survive. Go see them.
The Cal recall was even more fraudulent that Newscum's "election." He lost both, everybody hates him.
Dogs don't vote D.
WA is definitely one of the worst states now. Cant stand it.
Kiss half your already weakened biz goodbye.
Creepy killed the other dog during rough sex.
Never go full homo.
That's from Aristophanes' comedy, The Pepes.
Dont trust anybody, just see what they do.
Thank God, patriots are emerging in VA. Very important state.
He was the first guy who really emphasized working out and general fitness. I knew his contemporary, Norman Marks, a 2-time Mr. California. Both the same type.
On the upside, you can shoot somebody there without any credentials whatsoever.