You know anon, I've been around for a long time and I am going to step in here and defend what I not only know to be true but what I've seen, heard and learned as a practitioner of the conservative philodphy and movement for decades.
When I first started listening to Rush Limbaugh back in the early 90's, I was as skeptical as the next person. Every time Rush made a definitive statement about something I dug on it. Each and every time it proved to be that Rush was exactly right. That was the evidence. I was hearing everything the msdnc media was saying about him, what they said he said and everything else not to mention their abject smearing, debasing and animus towards him. All of it was taken into consideration in my evaluation of what I was hearing from him. None of it and I mean NONE OF IT proved to be the truth or in any way, factual. This went on for quite some time and all during that time Rush's credibility grew with me. At some point, I knew I no longer had to go behind Rush to see if he was telling me the truth. He earned my trust and he never betrayed it. Ever. Same goes for our POTUS I might add.
I don't take what someone says and just beleive it unchallenged. Hannity, Levin went throught the same process for me even though they had more of a headstart than Rush did because both had hosted Rush's show. The quickest and most sure way to lose me is simple. Lie to me and I find out about it and you are finished with me. Done. You lied to me once and you'll fucking do it again. Your credibility with me at that point, is less than ZERO.
FNC is not quite the same as I've seen over the years, some things where I thought WTF? Election night was one of those times. Another time when Sandra Smith blew her credibility with me when she hosted one of the presidential debates and really leaned into that question she posed to President Trump. It was malicious at best. I don't watch her as I turn over to Varney & Co. in the morning. There has been a few other things over the years but nothing anywhere near to what CNN. MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR and the rest of the propagandist have been doing for decades.
Out of all, if you want just plain fucking news FNC does the best job comparatively. I watch the FNC for the conservative content I get from most if not all of the known conservative personallities who work there. Every now and then something slips up that makes me raise an eyebrow. I Instinctively know it's bullshit. It happens but it happens infrequently.
I don't know you from fucking ADAM but what I do know and trust, is myself. My belief system is built on a rock solid foundation. Right is right and wrong is wrong. I built that foundation with the guidence of Patriots like Rush, Sean, Mark and others. Yea, Sean gets on my nerves sometimes but overall, he is a Patriot. He shares the same philosphy of conservatism that I do. Mark Levin, who I started listening to back in the early 2000's because Michael Savage was always talking shit about him so I said, let's see. I haven't listened to Savage since. Mark Levin is a national treasure as this man first and foremost, takes no fucking shit from the msdnc media and if you notice, they don't fuck with him that often. This man is an accomplished historian and scholar on the founding of this country, the enlightenment, the founding's history, the marxist movement, the Constitution and the rule of law. I've learned more from him about the history of our country than I ever, ever learned in school. You don't listen to Mark Levin and you are missing a wealth of information and insight into that information that you will find no where else. I love him just like I love Rush. His credibility with me is unquestioned.
So, say what you want, I could give a rats fucking ass whether you like FNC, Rush, Mark, Sean, Laura, Will Cain is stellar as is Pete, Rachel, Greg, Jessie, Judge Janine who by the way, is still a fucking BABE at 72 years of age, Joe Concha, Dan and others. These people and for the most part, FNC have proven worthy to me. And…………….where else can you turn on the news media and hear our National Anthem proudly being played?
God bless America, these Patriots and our MAFGA POTUS Donald J. Trump. You too Q.
That's it.